Dear Consumer, you have just purchased aproduct created from the collaboration between the Laboratory of Environmentaland Biological Chemical Structures (LEBSC) and the Coswell Research Laboratory.
Biorepair® is the range of fluoride-freetoothpastes and mouthwashes with microRepair® zinc-substituted biomimetic hydroxyapatitecrystals.
The composition of microRepair® particlesclosely resembles that of dental enamel, so they form a homogeneous coating onthe dental surface, penetrating lesions and binding chemically to the enamel toprotect it against cavities and sensitivity. They also release Zinc for maximumanti-bacterial action.
*¹ With continuous use twice a day. Laboratory-tested.Effective repair action with microRepair® particles that cover micro-scratcheson the surface of the enamel (no cavity lesions or chipped teeth)
Biorepair® Advanced formulas withmicroRepair® are enhanced with the anti-bacterial properties of Zinc PCA andXylitol which combats Streptococco Mutans.
Created with antibacterial material thatcombats bacterial formation by up to 90%*⁴
*Laboratory tested to show how its bacteriostaticactivity combats Staphylococcus aureus.
Thanks to their patented curve, Biorepair®toothbrushes remove plaque by up to 100% more*⁵
than traditional toothbrushes.Available with 4 types of bristle.
*⁵ Based on the average results of a test comparingclassic manual straight and/or backward curved toothbrushes to the Biorepair®CURVE toothbrush.
Biorepair® interdental flosses are madewith anti-bacterial SCP and microRepair® particles made from the same substanceas dental enamel. They penetrate where toothbrushes cannot reach to protectagainst the formation of bacterial plaque that causes cavities and guminflammation.
Biorepair® disposable rubber dental picksguarantee deep cleaning for interdental spaces by removing plaque and foodresidues from the places that are too difficult to reach with a toothbrush.
Thanks to their soft rubber bristles, theyare also very gentle when passing between teeth and gums.
Every detail of our picks with Biorepair® bristleshas been designed to offer effective, deep interdental space cleaning as theyremove even the most obstinate food residues and protect against the formationof bacterial plaque which can cause gum inflammation.
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